Friday, June 16, 2006

I must be doing something wrong

I have always had a passion for writing (and reading for that matter). Blogs have opened a new world to me. I just don't know where to start. COME ON - other bloggers! Please tell me you share or at least recognize some of my difficulties?!

I mean, how honest can a person really be? REALLY be? Everyone say (including myself) that the blog-world is a wonderful thing, but the blogs I read, however well written and really good they are, are almost always impersonal. They are usually about others (about who was killed, who won the election, about a journalist who said..., about a man who did whatever) and seldom about the person him- or herself. Unless of course the blogger is an anon.

Sure you are free to blog about whatever you like, and maybe I have just not reached the world of personal blogs. Or is it that it is really not that interesting to know that for example Imaan endured endless arguments with her husband in the spring of 2006? Or are we just too shy, too private? Don't we dare?

Or is it just too trivial? There are so many things that happen to me, that I see or hear or experience, that might seem important to me in the moment but when it comes to writing it down I get suspicious. Would "the world" really benefit from reading my perhaps silly little stories (and I'm honestly not just saying that so my "friends" in here have to compliment me). And I wonder, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Aaaah, the human mind....

In my head it goes like: What's the point of blogging if it is not telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Then it goes: Yeah, but... truth or dare? Do I (and do you?) really dare to tell the truth or do we prefer to describe the truths of others? As we see it? And is that even The Truth? And finally: Is the truth really what we want? Isn't almost everyone of us trying to escape the truth (like when people ask you "Hi, how are you?" we answer "Fine, thank you" however shitty we may feel). Is it like in the Cruise/Nicholson-movie when Tom Criuse's character say "I want the truth!" and Nicholson's character answers "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!"?


1. Summer finally came. It is hot!

2. My Maryam just turned 3. There were also 3 parties helded for her, one in my grand-mother's house, one in my mother's house and finally one with her own friends in my house! Happy birthday Maryoma habibti.

3. I just read the da Vinci Code. My God! Go take a good look at your nearest Mona Lisa copy.

4. I had a visit from the wonderful world. My cousin (almost little sister) who is a lawyer (det står så i ordboken, E!) came for a visit to my suburbian working-class "hell". I suddenly felt (not suddenly, I have always felt it, but it just suddenly surfaced again) LOST.

5. Speaking of classes... Isn't it getting worse or am I just waking up? Speaking of suburbian hell... Do I hate it or love it? I'm not sure. Muslims in minority (or any other group in minority) will recognize this: Do I want to live in a suburb with many muslim neighbours or in a "nice" area with no muslim neighbours? Well, let's not get into that just now.

6. I had a visit from the wonderful world 2. My father came and as we were walking through my area we agreed that somehow there would not be weeds in the flower beds in a "nice" area, but somehow the flower beds in my suburbian working-class "hell" is full of weeds. Aren't we all paying rent?

7. My father took all the children with him for some days. I repeat: ALL the children. I AM FREE!! I'm about to join them soon for my own "vacation". My grand-parents has a house on the west coast, so photos from the wonderful swedish summer are coming up.

8. Yesterday: Sweden won 1-0 againts Paraguay (in fotball people). I usually love to watch fotball games (if Sweden is involved) but yesterday I couldn't resist the other channel showing the brilliant Fahrenheit 9/11 by brilliant Michael Moore. The way I found out though that there was a GOAL was hearing my neighbours loud shouts of "YEEEEEES!!!" through my open balcony door.

9. I just found a new Gazan blog.

10. It is almost on the day exactly ONE YEAR AGO since I entered Gaza.

Now the best part is that... after "coming out" about my marriage problems, things have actually gone from worse to better. Yes. I belive that no marriage is perfect. At some point(s) there have to be some compromises done, what ever the details for each marriage would be. I have been married 8 years now (our anniversary come up within a few weeks just) ALHAMDULILLAH and there has been some difficult times. To sum things up I was starting to feel hopeless because my husband didn't seem to hear me. I was speaking to a wall. May it be the Gazan gene or the male gene, I don't know.

I'm not yet sure what has happened. I'm not naive. There has been no over-night extreme make-over changes, but somehow somewhere he seem to get it (and I have also done some re-thinking). It's not perfect - but it is better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make me smile... You are a special woman and to me, a special cousin (and a sister). My visit made me think, too.

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you also read the rebuttal to this film!

Despite what you have heard all over the media, the film is hateful, dishonest propaganda.

4:18 PM  
Blogger Imaan On Ice said...

Let's not make this post about Michael Moore. But propaganda for what? Being critical towards the war in Iraq? I sure hope so.

If you are sharing the same opinion as Britney Spears you might wanna re-think.

However, this post had a completely different topic.

Thanks E, please let me know your thoughts. And by the way, after you left my relative actually got his permission (after waiting for a few years) and I found the book (Tummens kalas) behind my bedtable he he and I saw that old man in the park again. This time he was picking flowers...

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have no idea who Britney Spears is - apart from being a pop singer. Huh??

I do not know why you - a western educated women is enthralled in Islam. OK, you fell in love with your husband but... come on.. you saw what Islam does to a 'country' you lived in.

And it is Islam that does the damage you know.

Give me an example of a functional, happy Islamic state.

Please go read these sites: One is in transition but has many articles of ex-muslims who have found honesty and truth - and the other one tracks Islamic hatred - of which there are many. Every single day.

10:36 PM  
Blogger lisoosh said...

Can't give you blogging advice unfortunately, I gave it up and became an amateur "commenter" instead. However I will point out that the things which may appear banal to you about life in Sweden will be fascinating to someone who has never been there.

As to vacations from kids - isn't it awsome! Much as we love them, just to wake up in the morning when YOU want to, eat a meal uninterrupted and have complete privacy in the bathroom, just for a day or two - complete bliss.

Cassis - There have been plenty of states dominated by fundementalist Christians in the past and they have been no picnic for their populations - read a history book not produced by the GOP. The problem isn't religion, its people who use their religions to further their own agenda.

12:57 AM  
Blogger Abed. Hamdan said...

Who said that only anonymous bloggers blogs about their personal!

I blog about almost anything in my personal life! even the toilet!

I prefere reading personal blogs! I like to know about what's going on on people's lives! I don't like reading about people who copy/paste the news! It's useless!

I like ur blog! why don't you write us something about your children ? with some photos ! I love kids :)

5:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imaan, seems to me you're doing plenty right. I'm really glad to hear that things are improving in your marriage. Mazeltov and mabrouk on your wedding anniversary and to Maryam on her birthday. May you all only know happiness, and may all good things come to you.

I think few bloggers write about their private lives fully, because they know that their nearest and dearest read the blog...And unless you write under a pseudonym and have no photographs or identifying indicators, you have to be very careful about those you write about.Yes, all the most engaging material is often unpublishable. That's blogging for you.

Actually, I know of at least one anonymous blogger whose too open revelations of her own mental state caused some damage to her marriage and her family.

Despite that I think you've always done an excellent job on being very honest and yet discreet and self aware when you talk about your own life. My feeling is that your most "open" pieces may have helped you in contributing to the improvement in your home situation. And I'm sure the comments have helped you realise what you do and don't feel most strongly about.

I think what we readers want is as much truth as you feel you want to give. And we know that whatever you write is with honesty and integrity. That's what helps make your blog such good reading.

9:56 AM  
Blogger Vass said...

Hey Imaan, i found your comment in my blog yesterday so interesting, that there was a similar issue raised in yours: how far should the personal part of information go? I see the solution you suggest yourself. The thoughts, the questions, the gaze and then a part which includes the raw information. Yeah, I have been trying to go this way myself especially in the first part of my blog at Well, I believe that the doubts spring out because of the strange nature of the blog: it is public and it is private at the same time. It is for me, for the friends, for the virtual acquaintances, for the complete strangers. What to write, what to ommit? Shall I support the voyeuristic tendency? Shall I obscure things (my opinion and stance) by the dust of events? Isn't the gaze/worldview clear and personal enough? I wonder. Thank you very much for the chance to think twice.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Imaan On Ice said...

Cassis - I mentioned miss Spears since she is actually in the movie (Fahrenheit 9/11) stating her opinion. Semmes it wouldn't hurt you to see it again.

As for falling in love with my husband. Yes, I did, 3 years after I became a muslim on my own.

As for seeing what Islam does to a country, no I saw what LEAVING or FORGETTING sound islamic values has done to a country.

As for an example of a "happy" islamic state. I would say Sweden (they only don't know it), most of the laws and systems here are in agreement with Islam.

Enough attention to people like you.

Lisoosh - yes, a complete bliss. I agree!

Hamdan - I also prefer more personal blogs. I just haven't found so many yet but I will sure look into your toilet-post.

Good advice to write about my children, I might very well do that.

Judy - as always: THANK YOU!

And yes, you're right. Seemes to me that the best stuff just cannot be published (unless the precautions you mentioned). And then where's the Truth? Is Nicholson right?

Vas - IT IS mindblowing when you think about it twice...

This is an important issue to me beacuse it says something about my life and they way I lived it. And it really needs thinking twice. (Cassis - don't get all exited - I'm not questioning my faith). I guess it has something to do with becoming 30...

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting my blog..
As I said in my last post (which is already nearly two-weeks old!!..), I did not want my blog to be just another blog whinging about the state of affairs back home.. However, because I do whinge, sometimes too vociferously, I cannot publish stuff that is too personal, because it will 'blow my cover' and allow people (sometimes, not very nice people!..) to recognise who I am.. After all, I still have parents back home, and I do go and visit regularly.. I would like to continue to do that without fear of being targeted..Paranoid?.. Maybe.. But if you have lived in a Police State for half of your life, you would be too!..
Anyway, I do like your blog a lot.. I will visit it regularly, and I will look forward to your very interesting and personal musings!..
Good luck, and God bless you and your Family.

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


GOP?? Well, no, Switzerland does not have a GOP.

Name one of those "states dominated by fundementalist Christians" that has come anywhere near to the Islamic ones - constantly needing aid from first world countries to help them in times of need - which in 'Palestine's' case is always.


Have you read the rebuttal to Moore's film? Do you think that is a dishonest rebuttal?

Do you think Moore is honest and the rebuttal dishonest?

But then - how did you put it? "Enough attention to people like you."

That is a very unpleasant thing to say to someone who is just trying to find the truth.

Is that an Islamic thing to say?

7:55 PM  
Blogger Imaan On Ice said...

Totally understandable. Me too refrain from 90 % of what I would like to write about. And my reasons are also understandable, but it just makes me wonder where the Truth has gone??

Perhaps I wonder too much.

7:59 PM  
Blogger Imaan On Ice said...

Cassis - sorry, perhaps it was a wrong choice of words.

I just get your kind of arguments every now and then. Little tired of it. But you're right - everyone have the right to find out the Truth in his or her own way.

It's just that my experience is that "people like you" want to argue more than listening to the answers. Prove me wrong.

No, I have not read the rebuttal. Inlighten me. Perhaps to my email.

I'll try to be more polite :-)

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sent you the link before.

and I understand that you may not have that much time to plow through the information there.

But if you wish to be taken seriously then you do have to do the research.

And I wish you would do some research into the 'religion' you have joined.

If you think Sweden is happy because it is incorporating Islam - well then Sweden is doomed.

Look at history.

Shari'a has proven for more than a thousand years that it is synonymous with tyranny. Few ideologies ever conceived throughout human history have been more destructive to the common weal. Where there was once wealth, shari'a brings poverty and hunger, where there was once peace, shari'a brings war, where there was once life, shari'a brings death, where there was once freedom, shari'a brings slavery, where there was once knowledge, shari'a brings ignorance, where there was once justice, shari'a brings oppression, and where there was once joy, shari'a brings profound sorrow.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Imaan On Ice said...

I meant that for us as muslims Sweden is a very good country to live in because most of the laws and systems here aren't contradicting Islam. You just accused me of being "unpleasant" - what is your tone if not unpleasant? This is exactly why I said enough, because arguing with people like you get you no where.

I'm againts the war in Iraq, I don't need to read rebuttals.

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you wish to be taken seriously then you need to read rebuttals and respond.

Otherwise you come over as being a dishonest propangadist.

The war in Iraq has produced a number of unexpected benefits...

It has brought the AQ Kahn network and it's client states into the light.

It has brought the oil vouchers for veto's program at the U.N. into the light.

It has brought the Russian and Chinese will sell you anything programs out into the light.

It has put French maniplomats back into fighting massive strikes at home while their car fires which illuminate other pressing domestic problems.

It has put the U.K. and Canadian Governments on motive about pathetic immigration and intelligence failure.

It has cleaned up on freelance terrorism a quick trip to meet the Prophet - many times.

It has accelerated the irrelevance of "the MSM people in the bubble" and their decline in readership/viewership.

Notable failures aside - it's working out better than anticipated thus far.

Today I am an optimist - hope the Iraqi people will get the whole democratic thing.

The guys at Jihaad Watch

do not. They see Islam - along with Arab tribal culture as hopeless.

And you, as an Islamic women agree?

9:14 PM  
Blogger lisoosh said...

Cassis -

Do you want modern states dominated by Christianity or throughout history? For history we can look at Europe (Inquisition anyone), the Middle East (the Crusades), the forced Christian conversions in the Americas (Jesus or an excruciating death) or the colonialism of 19th century Britain. Or maybe you prefer to look at life in pre war Eastern Europe kept in the dark ages by the Russian Orthodox Church. Want a modern example? The Serbs who terrorized what had been Yugoslavia after the fall of the iron curtain - Orthodox Christians.
Poor Christian countries? Try Ethiopia or Congo, never mind much of Central America and have you ever seen the state of the poor in Brazil? And while Christians in the US enjoy unprecedented freedoms and the stature of the majority faith with Christmas a national holiday, they have managed to convince themselves that they are a persecuted minority and are using this to try to tear down the separation between church and state and force their religious beliefs on to minorities.

If anyone truly follows the Christian faith, they will lead a peaceful and honorable life and the same can be said of Islam, Judaism, Bhuddism and many others. The problem is when religion is abused and worse, when people try to impose their beliefs on others.

Oh and lots of Palestinians are Christian.
Imaan - sorry for the rant.

11:26 PM  
Blogger Imaan On Ice said...

Good ranting. Also add to the list; the american war in Iraq.

In Moore's film some american soldier's rush into an iraqi home trying to find a suspect. The film doesn't say WHY he is a suspect (I, being a bit naive and too kind, can only assume that the soldiers had good reasons for wanting this man), but that is really not the point in this example, no the point is HOW the rushed in. It was in the middle of the night and the man (who turned out to be a student in his 20'ies) willingly lay down on the floor while the soldiers go through the house. The mother and his siter (/wife) cry and hug each other in fear. The mother keep asking "what in the world has my son done? Just tell me?" The american soldier ask her to stop talking.

How many minutes/hours it took until they left the house I don't know. I just know I have a son, so it is easy to imagine that what if something like that happened to my family.

Then the american soldier said (in the film) "Here we come to make their lives better and they just don't seem to appriciate it".

Now I really don't know how I we got to write about this issue in my post about Truth. Ah well...

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


hmm - let's get a bit of perspective here:

Some FACTS.....

Total Islamic Terrorist attacks since 9/12/2001
4692* rising - it is now above 5000 I think... Google it.

Total Victim of Islamic terrorism body count

year Killed Wounded
2001 557 3259
2002 2720 6039
2003 3360 6902
2004 6936 14039
2005 7032 12561
2006 2889 4033* see above

Total 23494 46833* ditto

Some facts ...
a. Iraqi civilians (mostly Muslem) killed this year by Islamic Terrorists 2,067* rising
Iraqi civilians killed collaterally by Americans 23

b. These totals are just from official non right wing news sources (public newspapers) etc. Google it if you don't believe it.

To put this into some perspective consider the following...

More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all
350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined.

Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years.

More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland.

19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents in two hours on September 11th than the number of American criminals put to death in the last 65 years.

So much for your Christian equivalence argument.

Is it all about Iraq?

If so then it is all about
India and the Sudan and Algeria and Afghanistan and New York and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and Chechnya and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and England and Thailand and Spain and Egypt and Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia and Ingushetia and Dagestan and Turkey and Kabardino-Balkaria and Morocco and Yemen and Lebanon and France and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Syria and Somalia and California and Kuwait and Virginia and Ethiopia and Iran and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Louisiana and Texas and Tanzania and Sri Lanka and Pennsylvania and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and the Netherlands and Scotland and... SPAIN and THE UK


...and pretty much wherever Muslims believe their religion tells them to:

From the Koran
"Fight and slay the Unbelievers wherever ye find them.
Seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war."
Qur'an, Sura 9:5

Imaan and others

Wonderful 'religion' you've joined. Truth - interesting concept.

Much of this info has come from

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh oh Imaan it looks like you atracted a coo-coo! Lets not pay any attention to this Cassis person please and just keep on talking about the things we enjoy. Don't let this whack job hijack your blog. No matter what it says just ignore it and it'll go away. I think that talking about anything that inspires you in your daily life would be just fine for this blog, don't put so much pressure on yourself to impress with something outstanding everytime when you do that you tend to let very long periods of time go by without anything.

6:14 AM  
Blogger khaidar said...

Imaan, I like reading your blog. It's interesting.
Btw, I think you should set comment's moderation on.

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Are you a follower of Mohammed, too?

If so, can you explain to me why Mo has been able to get away with all this?

His actions:

Highway robber.
75-78 offensive ‘raids’ vs 3 defensive battles.
Killed political and intellectual opponents.
Killed for money.
War criminal.
Raped captive women.
Klled captive men and boys(600+ in one case).
Broke every treaty he entered.

And then there are his superstitions...

If you need help finding the citations which prove all of these accusations - just go to Jihad Watch. Or go to the Koran (Sunnah(! It is all there,

Why any 'educated' woman believes in following this evil man - is unbelievable. Why? Why? Why?

Come on Imaan, UmJannah usw

Please explain it to me?

PS. I am sitting here at my desk with a photo of a group of young muslim women in Germany - one of whom is kicking a football. It is sad - they are all dressed in black from head to foot and are so far away from doing the real thing that you I feel so sad for them.

What is wrong with you people??

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way Imaan dont' forget to take photos of your trip!

12:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And annon maybe you shouldn't be sitting at your desk looking at photos of muslim women if it bothers you so much. Putting insulting comments on Imaan's blog isn't going to change the world or muslims at all so just do something more constructive with your time if your so compelled to save people from the wrong path. Why do you choose to read a muslim woman's blog if muslim's and their beliefs irritate you or make you feel sad? Do something else that than read the comics you have alot of alternatives so don't preach to anyone it won't make a difference in the end. Just read and enjoy if you don't than stop reading.

12:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Let's get this straight. I was - and still am - looking at ONE postcard that my husband brought back from a trip to North Germany. It is an invitation to an event organized by the Goethe Institute. The photo is very, very sad - Islamic women trying to play football in the ridiculous uniform that your Islamic men have decided is what you should wear. Why is that? Men cannot control their own sexual behaviour? Is that it? So women have to dress in bags? How mad is that?

OK - if you won't tell me why you think Mo is the most perfect man ever, then tell me why women in muslem countries can't play most sports? Or at least learn to swim - that would have saved a lot of them when the tsunami struck in the muslem parts of Indonesia.

I came across this blog via Adloyada, a women who I have the greatest respect for. Someone who is searching for the truth. And I was interested in the plight of a young Swedish mother living in Gaza.

I am very happy that Imaan has decided to leave 'Pallywood' and live in a civilized country. I just hope she doesn't try to undermine the civilized country of her birth by trying to import the totally mad, irrational, submissive religous rantings of her so-called 'prophet'.

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salaam is some hugs to you from another Swedish woman who have converted to ISLAM
and left Sweden for Syria....yes Sweden would be a perfect Islamic country ;)

Salaam from mochajam.

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mochajam - if that is your name.

Just look at what Islam has done to people in the last, 1400 years?

Here is the problem:

The Koran (Pickthall translation) says that disbelievers (non-Muslims) -

oh and btw that's my husband and I, - elderly grandparents living in the Switzerland, not Jews and agnostic).

But, according to your Koran we -

are “worst of created beings” (98:6),

are “miscreants” (2:99, 24:55),

are the worst beasts in Allah’s sight (8:22, 8:55);

(some Christians and/or Jews were) turned into “apes and/or pigs” (2:65-66, 5:58-60, 7:166);

are like frightened donkeys chased by a lion (74:50-51);
are worse than cattle (7:179);

are like dogs (7:176);

they (idolators) are unclean (9:28);

“evil” is upon them (16:27), evil (2:91, 2:99);

“wicked” (80:42, 9:125);

Look most if not all of us know that not all muslims are terrorists or criminals.

Obviously, with about a billion people across the world identifying themselves as muslims, there would be all out war accross the globe, unlike the protracted one we face now.

I understand that there is a significant and well organized minority of muslims who have no problem commiting acts of genocide in the name of your faith, and that because of the concept of "ummah" that exists within the muslim community, many if not most muslims who might not agree on their tactics, are at least sympathetic with their goals, and can never really side with "infidels" against them.

I recognize these issues that exist within the muslim community, and unlike much of the mainstream media and academia, I am not so hasty to make moral equivalency arguements. People like you always bring up isolated incidents such as Tim McViegh, and say "See christianity is just as bad!"

Let me ask you, how many years has it been since a christian terrorist bombed an abortion clinic?

Now let me ask you, how many hours (or minutes) has it been since a muslim terrorist carried out an attack in Iraq or Israel or Chechnya or Thailand or the Filipines, or wherever else the global jihad network.

I have no problem listing a dozen global islamic terrorist networks. How many global christian terrorist networks can you name?

Only when you muslims build the first Synagogue next to the first Christian Church in Mecca, will admit that my view of Islam and my poor opinion of muslims is wrong.

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares about "YOUR" opinion of Islam? You come to this blog out of no where and start throughing your shit around. Don't you have anything else to do? This isn't a blog for fantatics of any kind so back off. I can see that you were just waiting around for someone anyone for that matter to comment on your last entries. Get a life! Did you ever think that maybe people don't give a shit what you think about Muslims or Islam. Whats your purpose leaving comments on this blog? What do you think is going to happen, do you really think that your going to change the beliefs of Muslims by refering readers to Jihadwatch? Come on now you must have some friends or some other hobbies you could put your energy to good use with.

*Remember they will never be happy with you until you believe as they believe. This proves it self true time and time again.

11:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Who cares about "YOUR" opinion of Islam? You come to this blog out of no where and start throughing your shit around. Don't you have anything else to do? ..."

Pure projection.

You are very defensive? Why? Why don't you support your 'peaceful religon'??

Instead you just throw insults at 'annon'.

Islam is a death cult. Read more about it. Koran and Hadith for a start...

And find out about 'projection' at

9:27 PM  

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