Thursday, March 02, 2006

Things I ate during the first week after I just returned from Gaza

What can I say? Sorry Toot, I'm going all "swedish meatballs" this post. Here's what I ate after missing SWEDISH food for more than six months. You can only have so much of kebab and rice.
Yes, dear friends, this is what they look like, the famous swedish meatballs. Here with potatoes and a must, the lingonberries (för alla svenska läsare, jag har verkligen inte hittat på det ordet - det står verkligen så i Ordboken!).
Oh gosh, swedish chocolate. Mmmmm, Marabou! Really missed that!!
Smoked salmon, here with potatoe salad.
Another must, pancake. Here in the making!
For dessert, gingerbread biscuits.
Pickled herring on crispbread. Mmmm!
Blueberries! These are handpicked by my mother, then frozen so we can eat them with warm milk even during winter.
Let's finish this delicious post with a whole table of delicious food. Pickled herring, turkey, eggs with shrimps, tunaroll, for dessert "Ris a la Malta" (rice cooked with milk and cream) and "Äggost", a sort of cheesecake from egg and cheese.

Hungry yet?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh wow, what an interesting choice of food!!!! I can't get over the pickled harring!!!! Masha'Allah, gotta tell me how that tastes!LOL

9:39 PM  
Blogger Roba said...

looks delicious.

9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MashaAllah tabarakAllah! Hehe I understand you must have had cravings for those swedish delicacies. I'll pass on the lingonberries though.
Hugs // Umm Isa

12:46 AM  
Blogger Laila said...

Hi Imaan-
you know ther is more to Gazan cuisine than "Kebab and Rice" :) TOo bad you didn't a chance to really enjoy it. I thought you should know the Zios are having an absolute field day with you, using your experience as arsenal against me and "proof" that we are dirty, good-for nothing, pathetic 'ol Ay-rabs in Gaza who can't build ourselves a decent nation even if it was served to us on a silver-platter. ah well, the battle never ends.

p.s. I LOVE lingonberry juice

10:18 AM  
Blogger Imaan On Ice said...

Please Laila, I've had a best arabic friend since I was 14 so I KNOW about arabic food. Kebab and rice was a JOKE.
The other stuff I'll get back to you on when I cooled down.

4:20 PM  
Blogger MomTo5 said...

As salam aleikum
First i am !!!!!!!!!! from what lailaumyousuf wrote.......
and ofcourse you will miss your "homeland food" everybody does that-i makes lots of different food in syria but i do enjoy to make swedish food and it is not hard to do that here,even if i live in an palestinian camp...

today i made "potatisgratäng" for an exampel....

Lots of hugs

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks delicious....Not that I could eat it, but Ikea in London serves up beautiful looking Swedish meatballs, chocolate and blueberries too. Enjoy it all...and kebabs, rice and felafel too.

12:10 AM  
Blogger Choco Pie said...

I was just going to say I have only seen this food at Ikea in Chicago.

1:50 AM  
Blogger lisoosh said...

Ha - my husband loves the meatballs from Ikea in New Jersey, and I go there for Kalle salmon paste!! Looks like Ikea are doing a good job spreading Swedish food around the globe. I have to disagree with Laila though, I haven't heard anyone use your return to Sweden to trash Gaza or Gazans. If there are they are probably one or two losers who never had a good thing to say anyway so why pay attention to them now?

4:04 PM  
Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

There's nothing like pancakes and blueberries with whipped cream.

Förresten, såg att din bild var med i Elin Berge's fotoutställning. Verkar som hon fått tag på alla systrar i Stockholm subhanallah! lol Är med jag också. Kommer du på utställningen den 11.e mars?

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! I have followed your travel/life through Gaza and now home to Sweden. I am half Swedish myself, my father being full Swedish (now deceased). I live in southern CA with my husband and three children. I have traveled to Sweden to see if I looked Swedish and to be surrounded by all that my father represented to me.

My youngest daughter, Juliet, just enjoyed your pictures of Swedish food! Our mouths are watering even though we have just eaten!

Thank you for sharing your life.


5:10 AM  
Blogger Tololy said...

Those pictures feature some things I might actually want to try out, one day :) I am a first timer in your blog, and I think I will be back for more posts.

4:19 PM  
Blogger Imaan On Ice said...

You are very welcome Tololy!

10:07 PM  
Blogger Noor Al-Amal said...

WOW !!!!
Wish I was there ;)

8:26 PM  

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